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News Brief

Aug. 12, 2019Maryville, MO |  By: John Coffey

Northwest Board approves contract with NW Regional Professional Development Center

(Photo courtesy of

The Northwest Missouri State University Board of Regents approved the contract with the Northwest Regional Professional Development Center for another year during last week's meeting. Northwest Provost, Dr. Jamie Hooyman, says the agreement with Northwest has been in place for several years.

"It is a state-funded program and what they do is, they do professional development for teachers.  So a lot of them are former teachers themselves.  But their job now is look at the gaps and the opportunities in education and then they have a territory.  They have the northwest territory and they go out all over that region and meet with K-12 instructors and help bring to them new practices, best practices, all sorts of information so they can become better teachers in their region."

Hooyman says the contract for the Professional Development Center is a great fit for Northwest.

"We pride ourselves on our education department.  We pride ourselves in our School of Education and producing the best teachers and having this organization in with ours is just a natural fit.  It's providing that guidance and that professional development for the current teachers.  That our teachers that we're putting out there will be the next generation coming through."